Library injection for debuggable Android apps

TLDR: released a script which can be used to inject native libraries like Frida into debuggable Android apps on non-rooted devices. As discussed on a previous blogpost, security testers can use Frida to review the internals of Android apps on non-rooted Android devices, as long as they inject the library into the app via application repackaging. Some time ago, Tim asked the following on twitter: So Frida does require root? »

Using Frida on Android without root

Frida is a great toolkit by @oleavr, used to build tools for dynamic instrumentation of apps in userspace. It is often used, like Substrate, Xposed and similar frameworks, during security reviews of mobile applications. Typically rooted Android devices are used during such reviews. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is that the frida-server binary, which executes on the device, requires root privileges to attach to (ptrace) the target application, in order to inject the Frida gadget library into the memory space of the process. »